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Clipper Cove Weekends are Underway

Berkeley Yacht Club has initiated a fun monthly cruise to Clipper Cove for an easy overnight anchor-out. This is a new series of events planned by Brad Kekst, who heads the cruising committee.

The inaugural 2024 event was held over the weekend of February 24-25. The weather was exquisite! It was almost too warm during the day and pleasantly cool at night. That's appreciated at any time of year here in the Bay, but unbelievable in February. In attendance were Brad Kekst on S/V About Time, Graeme Lowe on S/V Merope, and Max Perez on S/V Olive.


The Washed Up Yacht Club happened to be having their own monthly event at Clipper Cove at the same time, so it was a chance for the clubs to hang out together. The WUYC may have a reputation for larger events with loud music, but the winter raft-ups tend to have a few boats, and without the large sound systems, making for a congenial and quiet evening where people could relax and socialize.

Some folks went swimming to ward off the heat of the day and reported unpleasantly cold water temperatures. Not a surprise, but it’s hard to resist swimming at Clipper Cove when possible. I ventured over to Treasure Island Yacht Club, as they were hosting a PICYA board meeting, but it looked pretty busy, so I kept moving, and checked out the new whiskey spot, Gold Bar Distillery, in the Treasure Island Administration building. It's beautifully appointed with an upscale lounge vibe.

Saturday night was spent eating and drinking and talking on various boats. It was a warm and cozy experience. A very full moon complemented the magnificent Bay Bridge tower that formed the scenic background for the night’s interactions.

Graeme and I anchored our boats away from the WUYC raft-up, while Brad joined the raft- up. I had a great night’s sleep, while Graeme was plagued by a random powerboat that encroached on his anchor radius. There weren't many boats in the cove, so this was just aggressive incompetence on the part of the powerboater

Sunday Morning was bright and warm, with a bit of southwestern breeze. I was able to sail off anchor, which always makes me happy, and had a smooth downwind trip back to Emeryville.

These monthly sails to Clipper Cove may not offer any bragging rights for distance or duration, but getting a quality weekend on the boat in a beautiful location with fine company is one of the greatest joys of boating.

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