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Writer's pictureGraeme Lowe

Thank you for Lending a Hand

As the tenure of this 2023 Board of Directors comes to a close, I am more excited than ever about and optimistic for the future of Berkeley Yacht Club. Our emergence from the dark days of the Covid-19 pandemic has hastened, and we’ve nearly returned to pre-pandemic levels of activities, events, and member engagement. I say nearly because there is still room to expand the number and scope of our social events and add value for our members in other ways. But more about that in a moment.

First, a heartfelt and genuine thank you to all who made our races, parties, dinners, and other events so successful. Our volunteers, old and new alike, truly stepped up this year to help our social programming be some of the most inclusive and engaging in recent memory. Thank you to each and every volunteer, whether you helped for a few minutes to clear dishes at a dinner, took on the full weight of planning and executing an event, or attended member dinners to help set up or tear down. The club is so much better for your efforts, and we are grateful for your help in making BYC the wonderful organization that it is.

Looking forward to our continued “recovery” from the pandemic, there is an appetite for more events: large or small, traditional or unique, weekdays or weekends. We have no shortage of good ideas (though there is always room for more); what BYC really needs are additional hands to help make these aspirations a reality.

Events aren’t your thing? No worries! We also need to maintain and improve our building and equipment, beautify our grounds, and otherwise support our mission:

a. To foster, encourage and further the sport of yachting.

b. To promote and manage an Annual Berkeley Regatta.

c. To acquire and maintain a suitable clubhouse.

d. To sponsor the teaching of the science of navigation and the art of handling and sailing yachts and other vessels.

e. To promote the social interests and pleasures of its members.

Not everyone can spend a ton of time at the club volunteering, and that’s okay! But if you’ve got a little time and want to get involved, I encourage you to take that first step. Check out the Social Committee group on our new BYC website (sign-in required) or reach out to any board member and let us know what, when or where you’re interested in helping. There are so many ways to get involved at the club, and many of them don’t involve a heavy time commitment. Every bit helps, and many hands make for light work. Plus, it’s usually pretty fun.

See you at the Club!

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