The Berkeley Yacht Club is a volunteer run organization. That means we need volunteers to help us run efficiently. The Club has several working groups, teams and committees with dedicated volunteers. Please consider joining them.
Membership Team -- works to grow and maintain our membership
Officer of the Day -- organize and communicate the OD program to our membership
Clubhouse Maintenance -- helps with repairs and upgrades around the clubhouse
Gardening Team -- Suli offered to lead this team to maintain the gardens and other greenery around the clubhouse
Art Committee -- What should we hang on the clubhouse walls?
Guest Dock Maintenance -- help our Port Captain keep our Guest Dock in good repair
Website Team -- work to optimize our website and/or other modalities for membership communication and engagement
Communications & Now Hear This -- join a creative team to publish our monthly newsletter
Technical Infrastructure -- from our internet to the weather station and everything in between
Rules Committee -- continue with our review of our Bylaws and Club Rules
Race Committee -- We are always looking for help with races our signature races
Team Beercan -- everything club racing -- Friday Nights and Chowders
BT Support Team -- help maintain and operate the club skiff and its engine
Cruising Team -- help plan fun cruise outs throughout the year
Social Committee -- help plan and organize volunteers for all our social events
Kids Club -- summer sailing camp for young sailors
PICYA -- represent BYC at PICYA
Berkeley Waterfront -- keep up with all things Berkeley waterfront and the marina; report back to the membership
Other -- see a need? Fill a need!
To inquire about joining any of the above committees or groups, contact