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Rear Commodore's Message, March 2023

Greetings Berkeley Yacht Clubbers!

In case you missed it, we recently launched a new committee to help support the social goals of our esteemed club. The Social Committee needs YOU to brings ideas, suggestions, volunteerism, and FUN to the table to help provide value for your fellow members. We’ve off to a great start, but we could always use more help, so if you’re at all inclined to help make events at the club better and more plentiful, please let me or any board member know. We’ll get you into the Social Committee channel on Slack where all the magic happens.

Looking back, we've had a great series of member dinners so far this year. Our first dinner featured local cruising, and at the Crab Feed local birds and birding were the presentation topics — both were well attended. It’s clear that post-Covid, our membership is back and ready to connect in person. So keep your eyes out for more one-off events such as karaoke, sports viewing parties, live music, and game nights. Looking ahead, we have the Wheeler Regatta and Old Salts dinners to look forward to. These are core events for BYC, and we couldn’t keep them going strong without help from all of our members.

We’ve also had a few events run by members or board members that have gone extremely well. The Celebration of Life for Bobbi Tosse and the PICYA Delegates Dinner were both put together by a dedicated group of volunteers. I’m beginning to notice a trend. :)

As we enter the busier parts of the year, I want to take a moment to thank a few of our most reliable volunteers: Betty and Bob Gray, Bunnie Quint, and Gun Landwher have been such a joy to work alongside at the events I’ve been fortunate to join them for. Many hands make light work, and working with these folks is so much fun that it hardly qualifies as work. Please give each a high five or a salute the next time you see them around the club!

Graeme Lowe Rear Commodore

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