The Club relies on helping hands to accomplish our many activities and improvements. Your skills are needed and you may have a hidden talent that could greatly benefit the Club.
Please consider joining a committee this year!
Membership -- works to grow and maintain our membership
Officer of the Day -- organize and communicate the OD program to our membership
Clubhouse Maintenance -- helps with repairs and upgrades around the clubhouse
Gardening -- Suli offered to lead this team to maintain the gardens and other greenery around the clubhouse
Art Committee -- What should we hang on the clubhouse walls?
Guest Dock Maintenance -- help our Port Captain keep our Guest Dock in good repair
Website -- work to optimize our website and/or other modalities for membership communication and engagement
Communications & Now Hear This -- join a creative team to publish our monthly newsletter
Technical Infrastructure -- from our internet to the weather station and everything in between
Rules Committee -- continue with our review of our Bylaws and Club Rules
Race Committee -- We are always looking for help with races our signature races
Team Beercan -- everything club racing -- Friday Nights and Chowders
BT Support Team -- help maintain and operate the club skiff and its engine
Cruisers Group -- help plan fun cruise outs throughout the year
Social Committee -- help plan and organize volunteers for all our social events
Kids Club -- summer sailing camp for young sailors
PICYA -- represent BYC at PICYA
Berkeley Waterfront -- keep up with all things Berkeley waterfront and the marina; report back to the membership
Other -- see a need? Fill a need!
To find out more about joining one of the above, contact