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Opening Day on the Bay

Opening Day on the Bay is on Sunday, April 28, and marks the traditional “official" beginning of the sailing season on San Francisco Bay. BYC is here to make sure you are well-fed and that your vessel’s ledger is squared away with Neptune. Or Poseidon. Whichever.

The traditional Waffle Breakfast is presented this year by Staff Commodores Steve Crawford and John Danielson. They are bringing proper waffle-makers and will be sharing their waffle-making expertise honed over many years. $10 for adults, $5 for non-adults (very small non-adults are free). RSVPs are greatly encouraged but not required.

And then, if the fates align, we'll have a bit of an inspection by our esteemed Commodore. Commodore's inspections are typically of the fleet's vessels in a floating parade format. But we'll be rolling Berkeley-style, which means our fearless leader will inspect the clubhouse instead of our boats and she'll do so from the water, which allows us to inspect her boat. That makes sense, right?

Finally, does your vessel have bad juju from an aftermarket name-change? Do you seek the approval of the gods that can only come from someone else beseaching their blessings on your behalf?

Just wanna crack a bottle of champers over your boat's bow like they do in the movies? RSVP for a rechristening ceremony by April 22, and the club will provide a specially designated person to call to the gods for you as well as a bottle of West Marine's finest to crack open as an offering to Neptune (or Poseidon... again, whichever).

We hope to see you there!

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